Nikki Lundy Rm1
Opie Robinson Rm2

Opening 19 March 2021 

Exhibition continues until 25 April

Rm 1: Nikki Lundy - Re-Veil (reveal)

Re-Veil (reveal) presents as a site for transition, a rite of passage to pass through, or to ponder. The installations are extensions of the site seeking to disrupt, to obscure or distort. The given architecture is acknowledged and questioned to reveal the human body within the space in a different way. This revelation seeks to present a separation between the external subjective influences that make us ‘human’ to expose the body as an object, a vessel for autonomy.

Nikki Lundy (1987) is an installation artist working and residing on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja/Perth WA. Lundy received her BA from Edith Cowan University in 2016 and is currently carrying out post graduate studies. Lundy uses found, construction, non-art and repurposed materials to formulate an experience of space, architecture and the physical body. Lundy has exhibited as part of HATCHED 2017, Midwest Art Prize and completed a studio residency at ECU which resulted in her solo exhibition MEASURE in 2019.

Rm 2 : Opie Robinson - Gassed up

This selection of works is a private ritual made public - the artist’s internal negotiation with dysphoria, dysmorphia and exploration of body and gender materialized.The topic of corporeal incorporation and disappearance discussed in The Absent Body by Drew Leder is one that has inspired Robinson and informed both the conceptualisation and making of the featured images.The acts of slicing, welding and rearranging of parts are subversions of prescribed purpose. Mounted upon the wall, bare-metal pipes and manifolds join, extending upward and outward, streamers twist and dance from the exhaust tips. Gassed Up imposes upon the viewer and dominates the space. It is an exclamation of self-affirmation that cuts through the turbulence of self-criticism, overwhelming introspection and the burdens of societal expectation. Robinson re-invents, liberates and affirms themselves in this large-scale reconstruction of automotive off-cuts.

Opie Robinson is a queer visual artist born, living and working on Whadjuk Noongar Bibulmun boodja (Perth, Western Australia) At present, Robinson employs semi-industrial materials to develop sculptural and printmaking works, exploring the relationships between gender, body and vehicle.

Design Leigh Craft.