Natsumi de Dianous Rm1
Guy Louden Rm2
Kate Webb KUDO Window

Opening 11 Feb 2022

Exhibition continues 12 Feb – 18 Feb

Rm 1: Natsumi de Dianous, Shiny life Romance

The Japanese sense of beauty is encapsulated into the pattern – a pattern is a depiction of the essence of nature, a reincarnation of spirit into a new form. In Shiny life Romance, Natsumi de Dianous uses symbols and motifs to explore the ways an object may materialise the essence of everyday life. What can it mean for something to have a spirit and how may that emerge? How might its elusivity be captured? Life travels swiftly fleetingly – metamorphosing and moving between realms. Figures as guides escape from the plane floating through the world. Carrying treasures, beautiful objects, shining charms, adorned in swirling fabrics. Whisked away in perpetual movement of their surroundings.

Rm 2: Guy Louden, Neoneogothic

Neoneogothic is a new exhibition combining mediaeval imagery with digital techniques. It is interested in parallels between the mediaeval and our own era, shared ways of thinking marked by superstition and obscurity. The show is inspired by the rise of esoteric politics online, and particularly by the right-wing politicisation of a family member. The artworks – a video game, digital prints, and text – consider how this sort of thinking could be shaped by recent technological conditions.

KUDO Window: Kate Webb, BOKAY

Directly responding to the gallery space, a lifelong desire to dress a window, and financial limitations, this installation uses kitsch materials that have been deconstructed, then reconstructed, attempting to elevate their overall potential effect through laborious methods.

Natsumi de Dianous is an artist whose practice is led by material curiosity and investigation through tactile processes. Her methodology is centred around a sensitive and playful relationship with materials, with the desire for their spirit and idiosyncrasies to become apparent and elevated.

Guy Louden is an Australian artist and curator living in Walyalup Fremantle and born in Toronto. Louden has founded and managed experimental galleries and curated major (and minor) exhibitions. His artwork has been exhibited in Australian cities, regions, and online. He was featured in the Churchie Prize at the Institute of Modern Art in 2020, and is nominated for the upcoming John Stringer Prize 2022.

Kate Webb is a Perth artist born in 1990, practicing in sculpture print and photography. She received her BFA from Curtin University and is currently an AIR at North Metro TAFE. Her works have been exhibited at Intoo Studios, Cool Change Contemporary, FAC, and Perth Centre for Photography. In 2021 she was awarded the Gerry Gauntlett prize. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Art Therapy.

Design Leigh Craft. Photos Guy Louden.