Marijke Loosjes
Thomas Fyshe Palmer

Opening 30 Nov 2019 

Marijke Loosjes: Visual. Sensory. Exploration.

Combining the physical act and the metaphysical observation of the self, performance artist Marijke Loosjes and musician Thomas Fyshe Palmer present a multi-disciplinary live performance. Referencing the medical process of Visual Surveillance of Extremities the performance comments on and explores how one understands the mental capacities of vanity and mental health.

A method to help treat and/or prevent injuries in patients with nerve damage, VSE is a repetitive physical checking of all bodily extremities. Keeping the patient informed of their own wellbeing in place of an intact nervous system. The practice of VSE is used in a metaphorical sense in the performance, as an appraisal of one’s self and their mental health.

A three part experience, Loosjes provides movement through a series of repetitive body checks, Palmer provides sound and light in response to these actions and the third part is duration. An integral element to the work, the duration brings attention to reflecting on the long term, if not lifelong, need to assess and gauge the mind and body’s requirements. Through the use of invented, handmade and traditional musical instruments Palmer creates sound and light that reacts immediately to the movement of Loosjes, similar to those needed by users of the Visual Surveillance of Extremities.

Free event (Donation upon entry is welcome).


Marijke Loosjes is a West Australian interdisciplinary artist who works in the mediums of photography, performance, installation and sculpture. Her practice engages with the themes of morality, transience and abjection, creating dichotomous experiences of beauty and unease. These themes are explored with an honesty that is compelling and provoking in the same moment, allowing for reflection and the freedom to question.
Loosjes has exhibited nationwide, participated in several residencies in Europe and has sold work to a number of private collectors. Marijke Loosjes was born in Perth and continues to work in Perth, she graduated from Curtin University with a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art.
IG @Marijkeloosjes


Thomas Fyshe Palmer (1747–1802) was an English Unitarian minister, political reformer and Australian transport convict.

Discovering sound in this iteration since 2010, Thomas Fyshe Palmer has moved through three distinct phases, while following their strict manifesto on the creation of new sound. Having passed through Harsh Power Electronics, and disturbing conversational dreamscapes, the artist is currently creating Neo Classical Minimalism whilst still encompassing the discordances that have always followed their work.

Taking inspiration from the Philosophical and Theological, Thomas Fyshe Palmer strives to allow people the peace they require.

Art cannot be created in a world of entertainment.

There can be no art in entertainment.

Art is dying, and has been replaced.

Please do not listen to the sounds just allow them to exist.