Luisa Hansal

Opening 11 Sept 2020 

Exhibition continues until 17 Sept

Luisa Hansal, at night i dream of hands and feet

In Luisa Hansal’s At night I dream of hands & feet, ambiguity & fragility are at centre stage. The exhibition presents an interior sculptural landscape of something both uncannily familiar & completely foreign. Tones of pink spread throughout the gallery as the crowd of frail pedestals, each balancing on their hands & feet intimately claim the space.

Employing methods of painting, sculpture and video Luisa presents contemporary narratives of femininity, loss, love, humour and connectedness. Her practice is rooted in working through personal and collective traumas and seeks to heal the wound left by loss. Although Hansal’s work can at times be up-beat and humorous, it also references the taboo aspects of embodiment, challenging feminine constructs and the psychological conditions tied to the female human body. Luisa believes that of all the expressions of the tangible, the human body is the most vulnerable; the only source of all wonder, all anguish, and all that we know to be true.

In 2017 Luisa completed her Master of Fine Art (High Distinction) at RMIT University and was awarded the Lowensteins Arts Management Graduate prize. In 2012 she graduated from Edith Cowan University with a Bachelor Degree in Contemporary Arts, majoring in Visual Arts. Subsequent to graduating she was awarded a placement in the highly acclaimed annual HATCHED: National Graduate Show at PICA, and received a 6 week residency at the Edith Cowan University Printmaking studio. In 2014 Luisa underwent a 3 month artist residency in Berlin, Germany and in December 2016 Luisa undertook a 6 week residency at PICA. Luisa has exhibited in both solo and group exhibitions in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and Berlin.