Jack Wansbrough Main Gallery
Pip Lewi KUDO Window

11th November, from 2pm
Exhibition continues 12th Nov - 18th Nov
Sunday 12th Nov, 11am - 5pm
Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (by appointment only)
Saturday 18th Nov, 11am - 5pm
To book an appointment please email us at hello@pigmelon.org

✿ Jack Wansbrough - Meteorite Inquires 1980-1995
✿ KUDO Window ~ ft work by Pip Lewi
✿ Sob open studios (next door to Pig Melon) 2pm - 4pm
Pig Melon will be serving refreshments thanks to Gage Roads.
Food catered by chef Fritz

Jack Wansbrough - Meteorite Inquires 1980-1995

Meteorite Inquires 1980-1995 is a series of drawings in solder on upholstered panels. The name comes from a lever arch file, found in a bin, containing 15 years of correspondence between the Western Australian Museum and members of the public asking ‘is this a meteorite?’ It’s an obscure archive of stones and slag, strange phenomena, and work carried out whether or not it's luminous.

Jack Wansbrough is an artist based in Boorloo. He usually works collaboratively across different disciplines. Recent works include The Rock Pool at Old Customs House, The Noise and Vibration Council for Audible Edge festival of sound, and The Many Forked Tongue at Private Island.

Design Leigh Craft. Photos by Guy Louden.