Isabella Speed Rm1/2
Stephen Bailey Window

Opening 17 Jan 2020 

Exhibition continues until 23 Jan

Room 1 & 2 : Isabella Speed - Souvenirs of Italianicity

Souvenirs of Italianicity looks at reproductions of iconic sculptures from the old masters that quietly reside within the home of my family, not to pay tribute to the artists, but as objects embedded with hereditary significance. These works draw from my nostalgic and distant connection to the homeland of my Nonno and Nonna, Italy. As an Italian descendant that does not speak the language, through other ways, such as engaging with objects reminiscent of my Italian cultural heritage, I draw a personal connection to my roots.

When thinking about ‘souvenirs’, one might think about mass-produced knickknacks, the kitsch, the tacky, the cheap, the very epitome of tourisms’ cultural kitsch. Things easy to live without, but often things that are hard to let go. Almost anything can become a souvenir, but the items that typically come to mind are the things sold in shops and stands at busy and touristy sites. If I were to look around my family home, there are certain objects that would typically fall into the category of being a ‘souvenir’ but have superseded this role. When I look at these souvenirs thoughts of a faraway country come to mind, but I don’t think of a specific holiday or a fond memory of travelling overseas. Instead these souvenirs embody a cultural connection to my personal heritage, a reminder of my family’s history.

Isabella Speed is an emerging artist from Perth, Western Australia primarily working in painting and drawing. She looks at topics surrounding the everyday, reflecting on aspects of her own life including identity and the overlooked. After completing a Bachelor of Art at Curtin University in 2016, she went on to complete honours in 2018. Continuing her honours practice led research, Isabella is currently undergoing a Master of Research (Fine Arts) at Curtin University. Isabella has participated in group exhibitions and art awards, recently winning the Clyde & Co Art Award for 2019.

Window : Stephen Bailey - Head Land

Based on a family photo from the 90s.
A vast and barren land where Stephen spent his childhood.

Stephen Bailey is a Perth based artist born and raised in Australia. Stephen Predominantly works with acrylic on hessian but is always experimenting.

Bailey's work is inspired by simplistic and minimalist architecture. Jean Prouve, Robert Ryman and Josef Albers to name a few. He spent his informative years in the UK studying art at Colchester institute and would later return to Australia to study graphic design at Edith Cowan University. Stephen had his first solo exhibition ‘Vernal’ in 2016 and returned in 2019 with his solo exhibition ‘Lineal’. Stephen’s work is driven by colour and texture, his work plays well with light and the movement of natural light.